Terms and Conditions

These Terms & Conditions outline the commitment you undertake as an ‘Ocean of Islam’ student for the duration of your course. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully in order to finalise your attendance on the course. By registering for this course, you acknowledge and agree to all the policies outlined below.

1. Classroom Policies

1.1 You will attend all classes. Absences and lack of punctuality will seriously hinder your progress. You will be responsible for your own development in the course(s). 

1.2 Online courses will be conducted via Zoom Meetings unless otherwise advised. Attendance will be recorded for online courses. Due to the nature online meetings times are subject to change. You will be informed of any changes via email or Telegram.

1.3 You will take part in the exercises set as part of the course, to the best of your ability. Please ensure you will be able to dedicate the required number of hours outside of class before applying.

1.4 Administrative and payment queries must be referred to [email protected]

1.5 The printing of course material or purchasing of the course text is the responsibility of the student, unless otherwise advised in the course outline.

2. Code of Conduct

2.1 ‘Ocean of Islam’ reserves the right to remove any student that it deems to have wilfully caused damage to classroom property or the property of another student or teacher, or deliberately acted unprofessionally or discourteously. This includes, and is not limited to, jeopardising the teaching and learning in the classroom, causing physical harm and using abusive language.

3. Course Fees

3.1 Fees must be paid prior to the start of a course.

3.2 Course fees are payable via PayPal or bank transfer.

3.3 Course fees are non-refundable except under the following circumstances:

- The course is cancelled by ‘Ocean of Islam’

- The course date is changed and students have contacted ‘Ocean of Islam’ within 48 hours after being notified of the change.

3.4 Instalment plans cannot be cancelled once activated. Cancellation of Instalment Plans without informing ‘Ocean of Islam’ will result in the student being de-enrolled from their course.

3.5 All up to date Course fees are listed on www.oceanofislam.co.uk

4. Student Status

4.1 ”Applicant” – you have applied for a course and paid the Administration Fee. You have as yet not been made an offer of a place. If we are unable to offer you a place, your Administration Fee will be refunded.

4.2 “ Provisional Student” – You have been made an offer and partial fees have been paid. The place will only be confirmed after full payment is made or a payment plan is agreed.

4.3 “Enrolled Student” – You have been offered a place on your course and have completed full payment or have agreed payment plan with the institute.

5. Student Transfers

5.1 Course transfer from one semester to another is not allowed.

5.2 Course transfer to another course in the same semester is at the discretion of ‘Ocean of Islam’. Course fees are non-refundable.

6. Re-sit Students

6.1 Any re-sit student is entitled to a 50% discount on the course fees.

6.2 Places for re-sit students are limited and are only available in the final week prior to the start of a course. Some courses are not available for re-sit students.

7. Course Material & Copyright

7.1 You will be able to access your course materials when you have been formally registered for the course, provided that we have received your payment. Access to any course material will be delayed until payment is received.

7.2 Access to the course material is not available after the course end date. The course material remains the property of ‘Ocean of Islam’ and may not be distributed.

8. Grading and Certification

8.1 Certification is subject to passing the exam. Digital certificates will be sent via email. Printed Certificates will be sent upon payment and submission of delivery address (UK Only).

9. Communications

9.1 Administrative communications between ‘Ocean of Islam’ and students will be primarily via e-mail, therefore, it is imperative that students provide their most recent e-mail address and check their email accounts regularly.

9.2 ‘Ocean of Islam’ may contact students via Whatsapp or SMS for updates and notifications. If students do not prefer to be contacted via this method they should e-mail [email protected] requesting this.

9.3 It is the responsibility of the student to notify the ‘Ocean of Islam’ Admin Team of any changes in contact details.


‘Ocean of Islam’ have the full right to change or amend the contract at any time without prior notification. Students are strongly recommended to visit the ‘Ocean of Islam’ for any updates.